Main Processes in Chief Secrateriat

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Main Processes

1. To carry out all administrative activities in the province.

2. To formulate establishment procedures for the planning and coordination of pregames.

3. To issue guidance to take decisions necessary for the development of the Province.

4. To give guidance for decentralized planning budget and the coordination of programs.

5.Revision, collection, centralized administration and supervision of Government revenue and other charges.

6.To introduce and implement financial and accounting systems and to be accountable for the Provincial Council regarding the Provincial fund.

7.Introduce of financial management for financial administration, supervision and maintenance of centralized accounting system, internal audit and investigation.

8. To introduce and improve new techniques for administration, to organize various courses seminars and programs on financial management and development approaches through training in offices of the provincial public service.

9. To issue and control budgetary provisions for Ministries and Departments and to implement accounting and to formulate procedures for the maintenance of the provincial treasury.